Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Barack Obama Comes to Georgia... and is immediately Vernonized!

Just a quick note to my many viewers all over the world out there:

Sensing that the state may be contestable, Barack Obama came to town yesterday to campaign. Interestingly, he staged an event in virtually all-white and very Republican Cobb County. For those who do not know, Cobb County contains a number of the most affluent suburbs of Atlanta. I know this upfront and very personally, because I spent a large part of my childhood and went to high school there. (This might give you an idea of the county's political leaning: In what I view in hindsight after legal training as a terrible conflict of interest and abuse of the state-- and what I felt in my gut was wrong as a teenager when it occurred-- my high school jazz band was compelled to attend and play at a re-election campaign event for Newt Gingrich. I initially refused to play but was told in no uncertain terms what the consequences would be if I didn't: dismissal). What makes this interesting is that Obama was clearly attempting to reach out to more conservative voters. This was partially foiled by the large number of Obama admirers who came in from the city to see him speak. Still, it is fun-- and oh so refreshingly different-- to at least consider the possibility that our state may be "in play" as the politicos say.

Obama got a taste of what all of us Dekalb County residents have been witnessing over the last few years, though. Vernon Jones, the CEO of Dekalb County (a position akin to the mayor of a city), took the opportunity to campaign nearby for the Democratic nomination for Senate. This would not have been all that bad but for the fact that his campaign began distributing a flyer showing Obama and Jones apparently standing together, with the slogan "Yes We Can" printed in the background. The image was apparently photoshopped. (You can see the flyer and read about this story here:
Those of us who live in Dekalb County are used to Jones' shenanigans, which have included hiring a posse of unnecessary bodyguards, pretty much constant fracases with the law (charges and allegations of sexual harassment, assault, etc.), allegations of discrimination (e.g., his pursuit of a "darker administration" of the county according to a federal lawsuit-- he was allegedly referring to race, not the Force), and ego battles with the county commissioners (one even made it to Youtube level! We're so proud!).

Barack Obama made it clear that he has not and "does not" endorse Vernon Jones. He also compared Jones' tactics to Southside Chicago politics.

I wouldn't be waiting on that endorsement from Obama, Mr. Jones.

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