Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's a bittersweet life

Perhaps it's just because it's late. Perhaps it's because the song has sentimental ties. But the line "you make some money, then you die" has always resonated with me. Song being: Bittersweet Symppony -- It's like our capitalistic system is grinding us down, driving our virtues to a simple matter of "well, did you make some money?" It saddens me, everytime I hear it. Yet, I count it among my favorite songs. I think because it speaks the truth, and, as you, my loyal readers know, I appreciate the truth. True, that we are driven by unaccountable forces. True, that the system is NOT fair. True, that those that deserve not are sometimes -- oftentimes-- rewarded.

I believe that is enough for a sad late night posting, don't you?
Happy Easter, all!


D. W. said...

Okay, that was kind of a depressing post. Sorry about that. I think my head was about to fall on my keyboard.

Trust me, I really am quite happy with my personal situation!

Until next time!

vim said...

Yeah, right. I found it refreshing, but then I find any cracks in the insouciant capitalist ideology to be some relief. What is more depressing is when everyone just swallows the idea that any creative labor without discrete economic value is valueless, without any protest. That is the norm, and a prison wall to me.

The song inspires me because it's a protest, even if it is a tragic one b/c he can't break out of it, can't change.

(I learned the song, BTW.)